People today enjoy watching things that should never be seen, that are perverted and skewed to something that goes completely against the Word of God. New G-rated movies are almost unheard-of now, probably because producers think that G and PG ratings are not what audiences want (ignoring the fact that Frozen was so immensely popular). Books and music are the same way.
So what should we do when faced with all of the ugliness and ungodliness in the media? I'm not saying we need to totally avoid any one type of thing. But you do need to use discretion in what you choose to watch, read, and listen to, and see it all through the eyes of Christ.
Will choosing not to read or watch a popular book or movie make you feel left out? Yes, and rest assured that I have experienced this. But will not having read The Fault in Our Stars or Divergent make you miserable for the rest of your life? Probably not. (Side note: I'm not talking about those books in particular, they were just what came to mind as popular books right now. I have not read either of them, so I can't really give specific advice).
I recommend putting in the time to find books and movies that you enjoy and that are appropriate for a Christian to be reading and watching. Check out the book and movie reviews I will be doing on Fridays for more ideas!
Next Steps: Make an effort to clean up your entertainment. Get rid of books, movies, and music that you think are not God-honoring (how far you go with this is definitely a personal choice!). Start choosing books and movies that lead you closer to God rather than farther away.
What do you think? Is this a problem you have noticed as well? Will you take the challenge to avoid media that is not honoring to God? Do you have any book or movie recommendations for your fellow teens?
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