If you're like every other teen girl, you probably dream about your future husband often. Maybe you also worry; will you ever find the right one? What if you never find someone and live out your days single in a two-room apartment working in a gas station? What if you find the perfect one and then suddenly he isn't, and you have a terrible divorce that tears apart your life? What if...?
Trust God
God tells us very specifically not to worry about our lives. Matthew 6:34 says, "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious about itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Earlier in the same passage, Jesus talks about how God cares for the birds. If he cares even for birds, shouldn't we trust that he will do the same for us?
If he intends for you to be married, he had your future husband picked out for you before you were born. Isn't that amazing? And over the first few decades of your life, he is forming you both into the people who will one day meet and discover that they are perfect for each other.
When you worry...pray!
You might be worried about your future husband and feel that there is nothing you can do to control the fallout of events in your future. But there is one thing you can do: pray for him! Proverbs 31:12 says, "She does him good and not harm all the days of her life."
Read that again. All the days of her life. Not just after they are married. And what is the one way we can do good for our husbands starting NOW? Pray for them! Pray for their spiritual and moral development, their college applications, their family life...even though we don't know anything about them, we can still pray.
And hopefully, that will ease our worries at least a little.
What do you think? Do you dream about your future husband? Do you worry about it too? Do you like the idea of praying for him and think it could help calm your worries?
Thanks! that was really helpful.