Let's review quickly the things I have covered in the past, small ways to start making your life more God-centered:
- Read your Bible every day. So, so, so important!
- Put a reminder that teenagers can do great things too, like 1 Timothy 4:12, on a sticky note and post it somewhere you see every day.
- Whenever you get dressed in the morning (girls especially), ask yourself if you would want to go out to lunch with Jesus in what you are wearing.
- Memorize Scripture regularly.
- Make prayer your automatic response to a difficult situation.
- Commit or recommit your life to God and trust His perfect plan.
And now, for today's additions:
7. Commit your work to the Lord and then do it in a way that would make him proud.
Doing everything as though the Lord were coming on a personal inspection tour is one thing that can definitely turn your life around. In reality, he actually is watching everything you do. Do you think he would be pleased with the homework you're turning in or the dishes you're washing?
If you're answer to the above question was no, start making an effort to commit everything you do to Him. Whether school, sports, chores, or actual paid work, act as if everything you do was being done for Him personally.
8. Speak out as a witness.
This is definitely a weak point for me; we have to be careful that we don't hide our faith from the public eye, for fear that we will be scorned or ridiculed. Our faith is something to be proud of, not something to hide from. Sure, we may be teased or questioned, or even ignored occasionally. But if your faith can't hold up under pressure, what kind of faith is it?
Don't be afraid to speak out about what God is doing in your life. If you feel so called, post Bible verses in your locker! If a friend asks, don't deny what you believe. You may be the cause of bringing them around to Christ.
What do you think? Are these things you need to work on? Have you made any changes to your life from these tips? If so, how is it going?
Read the other parts of the series here and drop me a comment to let me know how you're using these tips!
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