Monday, July 13, 2015

I'm Back with Another Challenge For You...

I'm back from my week of vacation!

It was super fun (like the beach always is), very relaxing, and so nice to go a whole week without checking email/doing blogging stuff. But I'm happy to be back, since even at the beach I kept getting ideas for posts...a writer's brain never takes vacation. 

So far I've challenged you to 1) read your Bible every day, and 2) memorize Scripture regularly. And today I have another challenge for you!

This Week's Challenge
#3: Pray without ceasing, in good circumstances and bad. 

This week's challenge is to pray often throughout your day. I'm not talking about prayer in your devotional time, although that is good too. I'm talking about little prayers all during the day, in all circumstances.

When you read a tragic news story...pray for the people. When you're feeling grumpy or angry...pray for your attitude. When something fabulous happens...pray and thank God. You get the idea. The goal is to make it a habitual, automatic response to any situation. 

Will you take the challenge? 

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