My Mission


I'm Grace, and I am a Christian teen blogging for Christian teens just like me to show them that being a Christian in today's world might be hard, but it is not impossible. 

I'm here to show you that Christian teens are not an extinct species.

I'm here to encourage you and help you in your walk of faith. 

I'm here to strengthen your faith and set your soul on fire for God. 

I believe that the world needs heroes. I believe that teens are just as capable as anyone else of being those heroes. I believe that we need to embrace our faith and spread the love of God through the whole world. 

This blog is for those, like me, who are striving to grow in their faith every day and be a witness to the world. 

This blog is for any teen out there who feels like they need a bigger purpose, a bigger goal, a bigger mission. 

If you need encouragement, inspiration, or a way to live out your faith, you've found the right place

I hope you stick around a while! And if you like what you see, please subscribe by email to get all my latest posts right to your inbox! 


  1. Hey Grace,
    I haven't really had time to look through your blog before but I decided to today and I really like it! You are really articulate and I like a lot of what you are saying. You are inspiring me to maybe start a blog.
    I have a couple ideas of things I'd be interested in reading: maybe a list of book recommendations like that one post you did but in a place where you keep adding on and maybe add recommendations from readers.
    Also maybe something about Christian symbolism in books. . .like LotR :) :) :)
    Anyway, its really cool!

    Emma W.

    1. Glad you like it! I like your ideas for posts, added them to my list :)

  2. Hey Grace, you to have inspired me to start a blog of my very own! Thanks for your support.

    P McGee

    1. I'm glad you like the blog!! Good luck with yours :)
