Tuesday, April 21, 2015

100 Ways: Be Productive, Be Diligent, Be Generous

How many hours yesterday did you spend surfing the Internet? Watching TV? Texting? Was the homework you handed in yesterday completed thoroughly and well? What was your reaction the last time someone interrupted you to do something for them?

God has given us time to be used diligently, productively, and in a way that brings him glory. Today, for the next few points in my 100 Ways to Live for God series, I want to focus on three ways that we can use time in the way that God wants us to.

12. Be productive.
Just because teens are expected to procrastinate and spend all of their time on their phones doesn't mean that's how you should actually act. Think about how short life is. In your life, you only get to live each day once. Are you making every hour of your life count, or are you wasting it away thinking you'll get to better things "later'?

This is the wrong mindset to have. Use your time wisely. Recognize time for what it is: a gift from God. Appreciate it and try not to spend it on useless things (like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube).

13. Be diligent and thorough.
We are commanded to do everything as though we were going to turn it in to the Lord. At the end of our life we will have to give an account of ourselves to God. Do you want your account to be half-finished chores, sloppy math homework, and a paper that you got a C on just because you didn't put enough effort into studying?

Whatever you do, give yourself completely to the task at hand. Do it neatly and completely, without getting sidetracked until it's finished. Everything you do should receive an A+ for effort.

14. Be generous with your time.
If someone interrupts your homework to ask you for help with a chore, their homework, or something else, don't be grudging or refuse them altogether. One of the best things you can do to use the time that God has given you is to use it serving others.

Share your time; be generous in the way you use it and don't always be doing things for yourself.

What do you think? Do you like these tips? How can you put them to work in your life?

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