All you have to do these days to freak yourself out for weeks is open a newspaper.
When you pick one up, you read about terrorist attacks, deadly diseases, greedy governments in other countries...where does it end? When will it end? And how are you going to sleep at night?
We find the answers to these questions in Psalm 2.
Psalm 2 begins, "Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together...He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision...Now therefore, O kings, be wise: be warned, O rulers of the earth..." (boldface added).
The truth is, as we learn from this Psalm, God holds power over everything and everyone on this earth. Those who plot evil things will eventually be destroyed, as God "holds them in derision" (which means scorn or disgust), and those who trust in God for their salvation will receive eternal life.
Earthly kings and powers can't do anything unless God lets them. Possible terrorist attacks, spread of disease, or world wars can only come to pass if God allows them to. Isn't that reassuring?
So next time you read, watch, or hear the news, remember that you have a reason to hope and no reason to fear. God is watching over His people; he will protect you and do what is best for you no matter what.
And in the meantime, since you know God is the one with power over these things, be praying! When you hear something in the news that worries you, take it to God in prayer. Since He has ultimate control, it's the best thing you can do for the world.
What do you think? Are you freaked out by the news? Can you use these truths to be reassured? How do you keep from despair when it seems like everything in the world is going wrong? Tell me in the comments below!
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