Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Surviving Public School: Class Tips

So far, we've discussed tips for getting up, getting ready, and riding the bus. Now you're actually at school, and I'm going to start touching on class-specific survival tips.

Today we will begin with general tips that will help you in every class. Some people like math, some people like English, some people like science...it all depends on your personal preferences. I will cover each of those classes in the coming weeks, but today I just wanted to focus on some things that you should remember for each class.

Don't Complain
Obviously, how much you enjoy a class depends a lot on the teacher you get. It can be hit-or-miss, and unfortunately you usually can't change it, but your attitude can make a big difference. Try to avoid trash-talking teachers with your friends, no matter how bad they are or how much homework they give or how hard their tests are.

Now, if a teacher is saying or doing something that you actually have an issue with or that offends you, definitely talk to a parent about it. Just don't go around talking bad about a teacher that you don't like because they are boring or give you too many pop quizzes.

Do the Homework and Study
Remembering to do these two things will make a huge difference in your grades. Write down your homework every single day, make sure you are bringing home everything you need, and then do the homework as soon as you get home, if possible, or after a short break (and a short break does not mean three hours of TV).

If you have a quiz or test coming up, study for it, even if you think you know the material. Even just looking over the textbook pages or doing a few practice problems can help reinforce things in your head and give you the boost of confidence you need to remind you that you know everything.

If you don't know material, do some serious studying. Get out your books, notes, and other tools and really work on memorizing it. Do practice problems for math, memorize dates for history, and learn vocabulary and facts in whatever way works for you. I will cover specific study tips in later posts.

I usually start studying for a quiz two days before and a test a week before, but play around with it to see how much time you need.

Stay Organized
This goes along with the last one. Make sure all of your materials and papers have a place and keep them there. Write down your homework every day and get it done. Keep your locker from becoming a landslide of stuff. It doesn't have to be perfect and pristine, but try to keep your backpack, locker, and binders from becoming a junkyard of old papers.

Be Respectful to the Teacher
I'm not saying you should suck it up and become a teacher's pet, but do be polite, respectful, and friendly with them. First of all, it's how Christians should treat anyone, and second if all, if your teacher hates you your life is going to be miserable.

Don't be afraid to talk to your teachers, especially if you have a special interest in something you're learning about! Teachers love to talk to students who want more information about things or who have a cool story to share. They're real people too, and they exist outside of the classroom. Get to know them as people with a personality, a background, and interests.

What do you think? Do you like these tips? What would you add to the list?

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