Tuesday, May 12, 2015

100 Ways: 3 Tips for Using Electronics

How many hours do you spend looking at a screen per day?

How much of that time is spent on social media, texting, or surfing the internet?

Yeah. That probably got your attention. Even though I don't have an iPhone, I still spend a significant amount of time every day on the computer. I bet those of you with iPhones spend even more time staring at a little screen.

And...living your life online is not the best way to live your life for God.

Here are three ways to turn around the time you spend in front of a screen.

Way #18: Watch your social media.
You can be a completely different person online, and that's not necessarily a good thing. If you're a Christian in real life, you should be a Christian online as well.

Consider getting rid of any excessive social media accounts. Don't feel like you have to have an account with every site; maybe keep it down to the few that you feel are truly beneficial.

And be careful of what you post! Make sure it reflects the person you are trying to become in real life. The good thing about texting and social media is that you can proofread and edit before you post your message. Take advantage of that and use your social media to reflect who you are in Christ.

Way #19: Don't use your phone when people are trying to talk to you.
This is part of showing love to others and making them feel that they are important. Please, please, do not pretend to be listening while actually texting or surfing the Web on your phone. It is incredibly rude.

If someone is speaking to you, give them your full attention. This also goes for activities that you are doing one on one or in a small group. The people around you are loved by God, and it's up to you to reflect that love. Start by giving them your full attention.

Way #20: Take a media 'fast' once in a while to refocus yourself on what's important.
If you feel that no matter what you do you can't get a grip on your media addiction, take a step back. Do something drastic like take a month off from technology or simply designate a day every week or an hour every day where you don't use your phone.

Instead, spend that extra time reading God's Word and communicating with Him to help yourself refocus on the important things in life. Because, after all, phones will break and get lost, but the Word of God will endure forever!

So take a step back. Look at your electronic use, and really consider whether it is honoring to God. Clean up your social media. Make an effort to communicate with real people in real life. And every so often, remind yourself that electronics are not the most important thing in life.

What do you think?
  • Are you using social media wisely?
  • Are you addicted to your phone?
  • How do you need to change the way you use electronics?
  • Leave a comment to tell me!
P.S. Check out this related post of mine: Life Lessons: Cell Phone Etiquette

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