Last week I challenged you all to pray for small things as well as the big causes. I said that if you are only praying for big things, that could be a sign that you don't believe God cares about your life.
This week I want to talk about the opposite problem: only praying for small things and no big causes.
The Challenge
#5: Pray for really big things.
This week's challenge is to find a few big causes you care about and add them to your prayer list. Maybe your list is full of requests for family and friends, but you aren't really praying for anything bigger than that. Add something!
You could pray for the pro-life movement, government elections, or mission work in other countries. Pick something that matters to you and commit to praying for it consistently.
Why It Matters
If your prayer list is full of small things and no big causes, that could be a sign that you don't really believe in the power of prayer. The truth is, prayer is powerful. It can change the world just to have a group of believers praying together for the cause of Christ.
Believe and trust that prayer can change things. It's something you can easily do, no matter what your life is like right now, and it is the most important thing you could possibly do to help any cause in the world today.
Will you take the challenge? What big things will you start praying for?
Monday, July 27, 2015
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Book Club: Taking a Stand (Do Hard Things, chapter 9)
You're sitting in class one normal day when suddenly the teacher asks a question. And it's a question that has a clear answer according to the Bible, but that answer isn't the one most people would give. You sink further into your chair, focusing on your pencil, and hoping against hope that the teacher won't ask you what you think.
Has this ever happened to you?
This chapter in Do Hard Things focuses on the final kind of hard thing: taking a stand against things we know that are wrong.
"This is one of the hardest do. It goes against our natural desire to fit in, to be liked, to make friends...We'll look honestly at some of the costs of that decision...But we'll also look at some of the genuine blessings that can come as a result of standing up for what's right." (page 148)
As they put it, a changed heart will result in a changed life. Your convictions will change. Your lifestyle will change. The way you interact with others will change. Going along with the crowd is not always an option.
Six Principles to Guide Us
1. Start with the Bible.
"What does God's Word say on this topic? Even if the activity isn't directly forbidden, is it in line with scriptural principles in general?" (page 158) We should be regular students of God's Word so we know how to find what we need and what we need to stand up for.
Don't get caught up with obscure things "like whether it's unbiblical for someone to dye their hair purple...Just because something is new, odd, or distasteful to some doesn't necessarily mean it's unbiblical...Always start with what God's word is clear about." (page 158)
2. Examine Yourself.
"Challenging cultural norms starts with you and with the commands from God you already know but may be used to must be fighting the fight yourself. People who aren't even trying to practice what they preach are called hypocrites." (page 158)
If you see something going on around you that is sinful, first examine your own life for hints of that same sin. Don't judge others without judging yourself.
3. Listen to Your Conscience.
"Our conscience is our God-given sense of what is right and what is wrong, and as we read and apply His Word, it becomes more finely tuned. If you find yourself thinking that it might be time to take a stand, it's probably because your conscience is flashing the warning lights. Listen up." (page 159)
If you feel like something is wrong, it probably is. Be tuned in to your gut feelings about something. Don't ignore them.
4. Seek Godly Counsel.
Seek the help of someone more godly and experienced than you (unless you have to make a fast decision). "Tell them what you think God's Word says about the topic, as well as what your own conscience tells you; then ask them what they would do in your position." (page 160)
5. Be Humble, Loving, and Bold.
"The attitude with which you take a stand says just as much as the stand itself...We can (and must) stand boldly...but our standing should always be done with loving humility. We must hate the sin, not the sinner." (page 160)
In other words, don't try to pick a fight through standing up for the Bible; don't treat people with contempt, remembering that apart from grace you would be no different from them.
6. Be Part of the Solution.
"Try not to point out problems without providing solutions. Make it your goal to show people a better way." (page 161)
Remember that your ultimate goal is to bring people to embrace God's way. Don't just disagree with what is bad; proclaim what is good as well.
The chapter ends with these two questions and a challenge:
- Is there a stand you know you should be taking but haven't?
- Is there something in your life you know is wrong but continue to do?
"If a challenge comes to mind, don't ignore it. Take a first rebelutionary step. The hard thing you're contemplating may be the biggest, most difficult, and most rewarding hard thing you've ever done. Don't miss this good thing God is inviting you to do, and don't tell yourself it doesn't matter.
"Doing what is right always matters--and it matters now." (page 164)
What do you think? Did you like this chapter? What right do you need to stand up for in your life?
Friday, July 24, 2015
Getting to Know Me: Characters and Role Models
Today's random questions about me:
Who is your favorite fictional character?
I hate these questions more every time. I have to pick one favorite??
Okay. I'm going to say Aragorn, because narrowing it down and picking one from Lord of the Rings just makes it all slightly easier. And Aragorn is pretty awesome.
Who do you most admire?
Are we talking real people or fictional people?
If fictional people, then Elsie Dinsmore. If real people, then I honestly have no idea. I'm sure there are plenty of worthy role models out there, I just can't think of any right now.
Who is your celebrity crush?
Luke Evans. (he plays Bard in the Hobbit movies, for those who don't know)
What is your favorite season?
Spring. Because the weather is so nice, not too hot or too cold, and it's also when all of the flower bushes in our yard are blooming and look so pretty.
Weekly Challenge Update:
This week's challenge was to add something small to your prayer list if you haven't already. This is something that I already do, regularly praying for family, friends, and my own life (including this blog).
Next week we'll talk about the opposite problem: praying only for small stuff and not for the big stuff.
What do you think? Do you agree with my favorite characters, etc.? How did you do on the weekly challenge?
Who is your favorite fictional character?
I hate these questions more every time. I have to pick one favorite??
Okay. I'm going to say Aragorn, because narrowing it down and picking one from Lord of the Rings just makes it all slightly easier. And Aragorn is pretty awesome.
Who do you most admire?
Are we talking real people or fictional people?
If fictional people, then Elsie Dinsmore. If real people, then I honestly have no idea. I'm sure there are plenty of worthy role models out there, I just can't think of any right now.
Who is your celebrity crush?
Luke Evans. (he plays Bard in the Hobbit movies, for those who don't know)
What is your favorite season?
Spring. Because the weather is so nice, not too hot or too cold, and it's also when all of the flower bushes in our yard are blooming and look so pretty.
Weekly Challenge Update:
This week's challenge was to add something small to your prayer list if you haven't already. This is something that I already do, regularly praying for family, friends, and my own life (including this blog).
Next week we'll talk about the opposite problem: praying only for small stuff and not for the big stuff.
What do you think? Do you agree with my favorite characters, etc.? How did you do on the weekly challenge?
Thursday, July 23, 2015
How to Talk To Unbelievers About Controversial Issues
In the United States today, Christianity is going down the drain.
We are called to speak the truth, yet Christians are being attacked for our stances on every issue from homosexuality to modesty to abortion. People are less and less accepting of believers.
How do you speak the truth to someone who wants nothing to do with the truth?
Witness Priorities
If you try to defend your views to an unbeliever, what reason do they have to listen to you? How do you use the argument "the Bible says it's wrong" when they don't believe the Bible? As Christians, our priorities are in the wrong place. We are focusing on the wrong thing. While it's important to proclaim the truth about all aspects of Christianity, you're wasting your time if you try to convince unbelievers that something is wrong using the Bible.
So, how can you go about talking to an unbeliever about something controversial like this? If you have a friend or family member that's involved in homosexuality or something else, how do you approach them about it?
Pray for Them
Pray for them. This is absolutely the most important thing. Only God can change a heart; you can play a part in that, but God is ultimately the one who will need to work in them.
So pray for them. Pray for them everyday. Pray for them hard. Never underestimate the power of prayer.
Show Love
The first thing you need to do is show them that you care about them. Be loving and kind. Build a relationship with the unbelievers around you so that they will be able to listen to the hard things you have to say.
If you don't have a relationship with the person first, they won't accept that you are trying to help them with what you are saying.
- Take your time. This shouldn't be a rushed process.
- Get to know them. Focus on learning more about them in conversations so you understand where they're coming from and how you can best approach them with the gospel.
- Invest time and energy in them. Go places and do things with them. Remember their birthday. Text or email them occasionally when you haven't seen them in a while. Show them you care about them and their well-being.
Set a Good Example
This can happen at the same time as the first step. Set a good example to them. Don't conceal your faith from them; openly model what the Christian life looks like. If they see that it is something you actually believe and live out, they will be more likely to listen to what you say.
Preach the Gospel First
The first thing you need to focus on when talking to an unbeliever is the gospel. Don't jump straight into the controversial stuff. If they don't believe the gospel, they have no reason to believe anything else you talk about. The way to approach them first is with the gospel message.
Once they believe the Bible is true, it will become ten times easier to approach them about the controversial issues of our day and age. If you put in the time and effort to find verses that apply to whatever issue you need to talk to them about, someone who truly believes the Bible will not be unresponsive to that.
So stop with the hate-messages and the angry defensiveness. Show love and preach the gospel before confronting someone about sin in their life.
This world needs truth. It needs love. Most of all, it needs Christ. Stop hating, start loving, and preach the gospel with boldness.
Have you ever had to talk to an unbeliever about your counter-cultural opinions? How can you use these steps the next time you're in that situation? Tell me in the comments!
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Are You Too Busy For God?
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Are you too busy, or are you just on your phone too much? |
It said, "Jesus Is Coming. Act Busy!"
Of course, it annoyed me that someone would put that up in their restaurant. It's obviously the wrong attitude to have. But as I thought about it more and more, I realized that often that is how we treat God in our lives.
How often have you let other things get in the way of your time with God? Do you procrastinate on your Bible reading time because you get stuck surfing social media? Do you give your full attention to church or are you thinking about how much you want to check your email when you get home?
In other words, have you let God take second place in your life because you're "too busy"?
The Greatest Commandment
When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment in the Law was, here is how he responded:
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 22:37-40)That doesn't leave much room for doubt. The most important thing in your life is loving God and those around you.
Put God First
What does it look like to put God first in your life and not let other busyness take away from that?
It looks like doing your devotions first thing.
- Read your Bible before you check email or social media or do anything else on the computer.
- If possible, do them before you get out of bed so you aren't tempted to do other things first.
- Don't keep your phone by your bed so you aren't tempted to surf the Web "for a few minutes" first.
It looks like putting church before other things.
- Go to each church service your church offers every week unless you are sick or traveling. If you're traveling, find a church there or do extra Bible reading and prayer time.
- Don't skip church for extracurricular activities. If they conflict with your service, church wins out every time.
- Try to stay focused on the church service. Don't let your mind wander to who you need to email, what you need to do, or what's for lunch.
It looks like thinking about God all throughout the day.
- I just read a genius idea on another blog. Every day, write your to-do list on a note-card to keep in your back pocket. Write a Bible verse you want to think about on the back. Whenever you check your list, read the Bible verse as well.
- If you don't use a to-do list, pick a verse of the day and keep it easily accessible on your phone or computer. Whenever you do something on your device, read over the verse.
Finally, it looks like evaluating your life. If you truly feel that you are too busy to allow for half an hour of Bible reading a day, look hard at what you are doing. Is all of it necessary? What can you stop doing to gain more time for God? You may legitimately be too busy; but that means that your priorities aren't straight and you're doing too much.
Christianity is more than just a religion. It isn't just for Sundays. Christianity is a lifestyle, every day of the week. Nothing is more important than your relationship with God. Nothing! Never let other things get in the way of your faith in your day to day life.
Never be too busy to spend time with the Lord.
What do you think? Have you been letting other things get in the way of your time with God? How can you start putting God at the center of your life again? Share in the comments below!
Monday, July 20, 2015
Weekly Challenge: Faith in the Small Things
So far, I've challenged you to: a) read your Bible every day, b) memorize a new passage of Scripture each week, and c) pray little prayers all throughout the day. I hope you are making these things habits in your life!
Today I have another challenge for you. This one, like last week's, relates to prayer.
The Challenge
#4: Pray for the little things, too.
This week's challenge is to add some small things to your prayer list. It's great if you're praying for the upcoming presidential election or the cause of Christ in Uganda, but if you don't already have them, add some small things from your own life.
This could be something for yourself, like that upcoming driver's licence test. Or it could be for someone else, like the stressful person your friend has to deal with at her job. If you're a writer, pray that God would help your writer's block or help you figure out something you're stuck on.
Why It Matters
If your prayer list is made up of really big causes and no small everyday things (and we'll talk about the opposite problem next week), that could be a sign that you believe God only cares about the big stuff, that he doesn't really care about your life. And that's all wrong.
Matthew 6:25-32 says,
Will you take the challenge? What are some small things in your life you can be praying for?
Today I have another challenge for you. This one, like last week's, relates to prayer.
The Challenge
#4: Pray for the little things, too.
This week's challenge is to add some small things to your prayer list. It's great if you're praying for the upcoming presidential election or the cause of Christ in Uganda, but if you don't already have them, add some small things from your own life.
This could be something for yourself, like that upcoming driver's licence test. Or it could be for someone else, like the stressful person your friend has to deal with at her job. If you're a writer, pray that God would help your writer's block or help you figure out something you're stuck on.
Why It Matters
If your prayer list is made up of really big causes and no small everyday things (and we'll talk about the opposite problem next week), that could be a sign that you believe God only cares about the big stuff, that he doesn't really care about your life. And that's all wrong.
Matthew 6:25-32 says,
"Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on...Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they...Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all." (ESV)You see? God cares about every little detail of our lives. No prayer is too small for Him to answer. Start believing right now that He cares about everything and praying for the small things in your life that you need help with too.
Will you take the challenge? What are some small things in your life you can be praying for?
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Book Club: Small Hard Things (Do Hard Things, chapter 8)
We've talked about going outside of your comfort zone. We've talked about going above and beyond the requirements. We've talked about the big hard things that require you to do them with other people.
Where do just little, everyday, mundane tasks come into the rebelutionary mindset? That's what chapter 8 of Do Hard Things is all about.
"The truth is that your life (both now and later) will require you to invest a lot of time and energy in things that aren't big and that don't seem to make much of an impact. Some days they don't even make sense. Sometimes the smallest hings can be the hardest of all." (page 134)
Why Are They So Hard?
The book outlines five reasons why the small, everyday things like chores, getting up on time, or reading your Bible are so hard:
Where do just little, everyday, mundane tasks come into the rebelutionary mindset? That's what chapter 8 of Do Hard Things is all about.
"The truth is that your life (both now and later) will require you to invest a lot of time and energy in things that aren't big and that don't seem to make much of an impact. Some days they don't even make sense. Sometimes the smallest hings can be the hardest of all." (page 134)
Why Are They So Hard?
The book outlines five reasons why the small, everyday things like chores, getting up on time, or reading your Bible are so hard:
- They don't usually go away after you do them. (You have to wash the dishes every day. You don't do homework once and then quit. The house doesn't stay clean.)
- They don't seem very important. (Isn't it more important to raise money for a big cause? Aren't small hard things like, a distraction or something?)
- They don't seem to make any difference. (Will it matter in five years whether I did the dishes today?)
- They don't seem very glamorous. (Being patient and kind isn't something I'm going to get famous for. I don't get much thanks for these chores.)
- No one is watching. (Everyone's impressed with her. No one notices all of these small things I'm doing.)
And here are five ways we tend to respond to these things:
- Procrastination (I'll do it right after I do this. And this. And this.)
- Inconsistency (I did it last Tuesday. And then I think last month sometime.)
- Compromise (I'll stop this bad habit for good soon...but not right now.)
- Begrudging (I'll do it, but I won't like it.)
- Cheating (If you don't count under my bed and in my closet, I cleaned really well!)
Why Do They Matter?
These things benefit our lives right now and they also develop habits that will serve us well in the future, like self-discipline, relationship skills, and serving others.
"Doing hard things is how we exercise our bodies, our minds, and our faith. Small hard things are the individual repetitions--like a single push-up. They are seemingly insignificant by themselves but guaranteed to get results over time." (page 138)
"If we're willing to strive for excellence, even in the boring, repetitive tasks and responsibilities that others delegate or neglect, we will reap the powerful benefits that others miss. Embracing small hard things can make a radical difference." (page 141)
You probably have responsibilities that you try to ignore. You have to remind yourself that you have to keep an eye on those areas and commit to excelling in them even when it's hard.
Small hard things are preparation for the future, but they are also significant by themselves as well. The book quotes Colossians 3:23, that says "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."
There is a quote near the end of the chapter from Martin Luther King Jr.:
"If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music...Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well." -Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Like the street sweeper, your actions at home, at school, at church, and elsewhere in your community can bring honor and glory to God if you are willing to throw yourself into them 100 percent just because they're things He has given you to do." (page 144)
What do you think? Did you enjoy this chapter? What are some small hard things in your life that tend to get neglected?
Friday, July 17, 2015
Getting to Know Me: Movies and Authors (+weekly challenge update)
So...I didn't post much this week. Sorry about that.
The lack of a post on Tuesday was actually planned, since that was my birthday. I am now officially 15 years old! Yesterday it just...didn't happen. Unfortunately. I will get back on schedule now, hopefully. This is what vacation does to you.
On to today's getting to know me questions...
What are your favorite movies?
Probably my all-time favorite movie is Amazing Grace, a movie that tells the story of William Wilberforce. It is so good. Go watch it.
I also love Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, so obviously those movies make the list. Also, the Avengers movies. My favorites of those are both Thor movies, both Captain America movies, both Avengers movies, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Basically everything except Iron Man.
Oh, and The Princess Bride. And the first Pirates of the Caribbean. Also Pride and Prejudice (BBC), the new Cinderella, Into the Woods, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, and Tangled.
That's a long list.
Who is your favorite author?
I am not capable of answering this question.
Okay, I'll try...if I have to pick an absolute favorite, like I couldn't do without their books, I would say J.R.R. Tolkien. But it's close between him and many others...
Weekly Challenge update...
This one (prayer all throughout the day) was kind of hard to measure. I think I do okay with this, since it's already kind of a habit for me. But it's not as clear-cut as the others were, and it's definitely an area I can still grow in.
What do you think? What are your favorite movies and authors? How did you do with the weekly challenge? Leave me a comment and tell me!
The lack of a post on Tuesday was actually planned, since that was my birthday. I am now officially 15 years old! Yesterday it just...didn't happen. Unfortunately. I will get back on schedule now, hopefully. This is what vacation does to you.
On to today's getting to know me questions...
What are your favorite movies?
Probably my all-time favorite movie is Amazing Grace, a movie that tells the story of William Wilberforce. It is so good. Go watch it.
I also love Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, so obviously those movies make the list. Also, the Avengers movies. My favorites of those are both Thor movies, both Captain America movies, both Avengers movies, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Basically everything except Iron Man.
Oh, and The Princess Bride. And the first Pirates of the Caribbean. Also Pride and Prejudice (BBC), the new Cinderella, Into the Woods, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, and Tangled.
That's a long list.
Who is your favorite author?
I am not capable of answering this question.
Okay, I'll try...if I have to pick an absolute favorite, like I couldn't do without their books, I would say J.R.R. Tolkien. But it's close between him and many others...
Weekly Challenge update...
This one (prayer all throughout the day) was kind of hard to measure. I think I do okay with this, since it's already kind of a habit for me. But it's not as clear-cut as the others were, and it's definitely an area I can still grow in.
What do you think? What are your favorite movies and authors? How did you do with the weekly challenge? Leave me a comment and tell me!
Monday, July 13, 2015
I'm Back with Another Challenge For You...
I'm back from my week of vacation!
It was super fun (like the beach always is), very relaxing, and so nice to go a whole week without checking email/doing blogging stuff. But I'm happy to be back, since even at the beach I kept getting ideas for posts...a writer's brain never takes vacation.
So far I've challenged you to 1) read your Bible every day, and 2) memorize Scripture regularly. And today I have another challenge for you!
This Week's Challenge
#3: Pray without ceasing, in good circumstances and bad.
This week's challenge is to pray often throughout your day. I'm not talking about prayer in your devotional time, although that is good too. I'm talking about little prayers all during the day, in all circumstances.
When you read a tragic news story...pray for the people. When you're feeling grumpy or angry...pray for your attitude. When something fabulous happens...pray and thank God. You get the idea. The goal is to make it a habitual, automatic response to any situation.
Will you take the challenge?
It was super fun (like the beach always is), very relaxing, and so nice to go a whole week without checking email/doing blogging stuff. But I'm happy to be back, since even at the beach I kept getting ideas for posts...a writer's brain never takes vacation.
So far I've challenged you to 1) read your Bible every day, and 2) memorize Scripture regularly. And today I have another challenge for you!
This Week's Challenge
#3: Pray without ceasing, in good circumstances and bad.
This week's challenge is to pray often throughout your day. I'm not talking about prayer in your devotional time, although that is good too. I'm talking about little prayers all during the day, in all circumstances.
When you read a tragic news story...pray for the people. When you're feeling grumpy or angry...pray for your attitude. When something fabulous happens...pray and thank God. You get the idea. The goal is to make it a habitual, automatic response to any situation.
Will you take the challenge?
Friday, July 3, 2015
Getting to Know Me: Clothes and Books (+several blog updates)
Today's icebreaker questions:
If you could live in any other time period, only for the clothes, which one would it be?
Hmm...probably the 50s. I love the vintage-looking dresses and shoes and I think most of the ones I like are 50s style.
What are your favorite books?
I hate this question.
First of all, because I have like 20 favorites, and second of all, because I can never remember them all when I actually have to answer the question. Then I inevitably think of some more after the question has already been answered. But here goes...
And now, some blog updates:
Weekly Challenge Update
I succeeded at this challenge this week through memorizing 1 Chronicles 16:8-9. I hope to finish memorizing the rest of that poem in my devotional time in the next few weeks.
There won't be a challenge next week (see below...) so keep reading your Bible and memorizing Scripture!
Going on a Blogging Break
Tomorrow, I leave with my family to go to the beach. So, starting tomorrow, I'll be taking a weeklong blogging break. I want to put away the electronics and spend time relaxing and recharging in the coming week.
Since there won't be any new posts next week, check out some of these popular posts from the archives:
If you could live in any other time period, only for the clothes, which one would it be?
Hmm...probably the 50s. I love the vintage-looking dresses and shoes and I think most of the ones I like are 50s style.
What are your favorite books?
I hate this question.
First of all, because I have like 20 favorites, and second of all, because I can never remember them all when I actually have to answer the question. Then I inevitably think of some more after the question has already been answered. But here goes...
- Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris
- Dancing Through It by Jenifer Ringer
- Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien
- The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy
- The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
- Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
- Mara, Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
- Beauty and The Outlaws of Sherwood by Robin McKinley
- The Chronicles of Prydain series by Lloyd Alexander
- Eight Cousins, Rose in Bloom, Little Men, and An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott
- Elsie Dinsmore series by Martha Finley
- Mitford series by Jan Karon
- The Penderwicks series by Jeanne Birdsall
- Pride and Prejudice, Emma by Jane Austen
- Ella Enchanted, Fairest by Gail Carson Levine
- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
- A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
And now, some blog updates:
Weekly Challenge Update
I succeeded at this challenge this week through memorizing 1 Chronicles 16:8-9. I hope to finish memorizing the rest of that poem in my devotional time in the next few weeks.
There won't be a challenge next week (see below...) so keep reading your Bible and memorizing Scripture!
Going on a Blogging Break
Tomorrow, I leave with my family to go to the beach. So, starting tomorrow, I'll be taking a weeklong blogging break. I want to put away the electronics and spend time relaxing and recharging in the coming week.
Since there won't be any new posts next week, check out some of these popular posts from the archives:
- 3 Reasons to Dress Modestly
- 4 Tips for Daily Bible Reading
- Makeup: Do or Don't?
- Surviving Public School: Simplifying Your Morning
- The Church: People or Place?
- One Big Reason Why the News Shouldn't Scare You
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Dear Future Husband
*This post was inspired by Amanda's post at her blog, Scattered Journal Pages.
Dear Future Husband,
Here's a few things you'll need to know if you wanna be my one and only all my life...
I want you to know that I pray for you every day, that you will grow more and more in your walk of faith.
'Cause if you treat me right, I'll be the perfect wife...
I am striving every day to become the kind of woman you're looking for and praying that I will be able to love you with a selfless, self-sacrificing love.
...You got that 9 to 5, but baby, so do I, so don't be thinking I'll be home and baking apple pies, I never learned to cook...
I know that raising a family and taking care of a home is the most important calling I have in life, and am learning the skills I need now to be a blessing to you.
...You gotta know how to treat me like a lady, even when I'm acting crazy...
I will always try to act like a lady and make you proud to treat me like one.
...After every fight, just apologize...even if I was wrong. You know I'm never wrong, why disagree?...
I know that we're both human and there will be disagreements. I pray that we will both be able to admit when we are wrong and that we will never let fighting come between us.
...future husband, better love me right.
I pray that I will be able to love you selflessly and fully, and that we will always put God first.
*The italicized portions of this post came from Meghan Trainor's song, "Dear Future Husband".
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