Friday, June 26, 2015

Getting to Know Me: Names and Hair (+ weekly challenge update!)

I'm a real person. (Gasp!)
I want to feel real to you. I want this blog to be personal and I want each of you to feel like you know me.
So, because of that, I'm going to start a new series where I share little things about me and my life. For the first part of that series, I'm going to use this set of icebreaker questions from A Tightrope to the Sun, my friend's blog. I'm going to answer a few of the questions each Friday in a post.
Hope you enjoy! And now, on to today's questions:
What's your full name? How do you feel about this name?
My middle name is Evalyn, and please remember that it's spelled with an a not an e. :)
I really like it, especially since it makes my initials spell a word! (Not going to tell which one, or my last name, because this is the internet and you know, safety and all that, people).
If you could have any other hair color, what would it be?
Um...I've never actually thought about this before. My hair is actually brown.
I don't want my hair to be a weird color like pink or blue, but black, blonde, and red are all equally appealing. I'd probably say blonde. But I'm actually fine with the hair I have, so...

And now, on to more serious things...
How the week's challenge went for me:
This week's challenge was to read the Bible for at least fifteen minutes every day. And...I succeeded!
I made it the first thing I did every day. After my alarm went off (yes, I am one of those people who uses an alarm in the summer), I read with pencil in hand, making notes when I had thoughts I wanted to record.
Since I had already started reading through the Bible, I'm now in Judges. And there are some pretty interesting stories in Judges (tent pegs being driven into people's heads, anyone?).
I'm hoping that I can keep this Bible reading habit going strong for the rest of the summer and then into the school year. And if you weren't able to read the Bible every day this week, don't give up! Keep trying!
Oh, and here's one more article I found about this during the week: The Most Important Book for a Bibliophile .
Do you like this new series? Did you participate in the weekly challenge? How did it go for you? Leave me a comment and let me know!

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